CB Binaural Typ Leichtstangen-Hydraulik-Zylinder
Als einer der Hersteller, Lieferanten und Exporteure von mechanischen Produkten, bieten wir Hydraulikzylinder und viele andere Produkte an.
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Hersteller, Lieferant und Exporteur von Hydraulikzylindern.
CB Binaural Typ Leichtstangen-Hydraulik-Zylinder
The CB Binaural Type Light Rod Hydraulic Cylinder is a specific type of hydraulic cylinder that incorporates a binaural design and light rod construction. It is designed to provide efficient and precise linear motion control in various industrial applications. Here are some key features and characteristics of the CB Binaural Type Light Rod Hydraulic Cylinder:
Binaural Design: The CB cylinder features a binaural design, which means it has two rods extending from opposite ends of the cylinder barrel. This design provides balanced forces and allows for equalized load distribution, resulting in improved stability and performance.
Light Rod Construction: The CB cylinder’s light rod construction involves using lightweight materials such as aluminum or composites for the piston rod. This construction reduces the overall weight of the cylinder, enabling faster movement, reduced energy consumption, and improved operational efficiency.
Precision and Control: The CB Binaural Type Light Rod Hydraulic Cylinder is designed to deliver precise linear motion control. It ensures accurate positioning and smooth movement, making it suitable for applications that require high precision and repeatability, such as robotics, automation systems, and machine tools.
Compact Design: The binaural design and light rod construction result in a compact and space-saving cylinder. It is suitable for applications where installation space is limited or where a compact design is desired.
Sealing and Leakage Prevention: The CB cylinder incorporates seals and other sealing mechanisms to prevent hydraulic fluid leakage, ensuring efficient and reliable operation. Proper sealing is essential to maintain the performance and longevity of the cylinder.
Versatile Mounting Options: The CB Binaural Type Light Rod Hydraulic Cylinder provides versatility in mounting options. Depending on the specific application requirements, it can be mounted in various orientations, including horizontal, vertical, or at an angle.
Maintenance and Service: Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure optimal performance and longevity like any hydraulic cylinder. This includes inspecting and replacing seals, lubricating moving parts, and addressing any signs of wear or damage.
CB Binaural Type Light Rod Hydraulic Cylinder Parameter:
CB Binaural Typ Leichtstangen-Hydraulik-Zylinder Usage Method:
Installation: Install the cylinder safely using appropriate fasteners to ensure stability and proper alignment.
Hydraulic Connection: The hydraulic line is connected to the specified port on the cylinder to ensure tight joints, prevent leakage, and ensure efficient power transmission.
Power Supply: Connect the cylinder to a reliable hydraulic power source, such as a pump or power unit, through appropriate hydraulic lines.
Control And Test: Use the control valve to regulate the hydraulic oil flow into and out of the cylinder—test cylinder movement by starting the hydraulic system and verifying smooth, linear motion.
CB Binaural Typ Leichtstangen-Hydraulik-Zylinder Maintenance:
Regular maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the CB Binaural Type Light Rod Hydraulic Cylinder. Here are some maintenance guidelines:
Regular Inspection: Check the cylinder for wear, damage, or leakage. Note the general condition of seals, fittings, and cylinders.
Lubrication: Apply the recommended lubricant to the moving parts of the cylinder, including the rods and seals, according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Regular lubrication ensures smooth operation and minimizes friction-related problems.
Replace Seals: If seals are deteriorating or leaking, replace seals with authentic parts approved by the manufacturer. Follow appropriate seal replacement procedures.
Reinigung: Keep the cylinder clean and remove dirt, debris, and contaminants that may affect the cylinder’s performance. Before reassembling, use a non-abrasive cleaner and make sure all parts are arid.
How To Disassemble A Hydraulic Cylinder?
Disassembling a hydraulic cylinder requires careful attention and adherence to proper procedures to ensure safe and effective disassembly. Here is a general guide on how to disassemble a hydraulic cylinder:
- Sicherheitsvorkehrungen: Before beginning the disassembly process, ensure the hydraulic system is depressurized and the equipment is securely stabilized to prevent accidental movement or injury. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and safety glasses.
- Identify the Cylinder: Familiarize yourself with the specific type and model of hydraulic cylinder you are working on. Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation or technical specifications for disassembly instructions or precautions.
- Drain Hydraulic Fluid: Position a suitable container beneath the cylinder to catch any hydraulic fluid draining during disassembly. Loosen the fittings or plugs on the cylinder to allow the liquid to drain completely.
- Sichern des Zylinders: Use appropriate clamps or fixtures to hold the cylinder securely during disassembly. This ensures stability and prevents any accidental movement or damage.
- Remove External Components: Remove any external components attached to the cylinder, such as mounting brackets, end caps, or covers. Use the appropriate tools, such as wrenches or sockets, to loosen and remove fasteners or retaining bolts.
- Disassemble the Head and Cap: Carefully remove the head and cap of the cylinder. Depending on the cylinder design, these may be secured by bolts or threaded connections. Loosen the fasteners or unscrew the links, not damaging any sealing surfaces.
- Extract the Piston and Rod: Once the head and cap are removed, the piston and rod assembly can be extracted from the cylinder barrel. Slowly and evenly push or pull the piston and rod out of the barrel, ensuring it remains aligned and does not bind or get stuck.
- Inspect and Clean Components: Inspect all disassembled components for signs of wear, damage, or contamination. Clean the parts using an appropriate solvent or cleaner to remove dirt, debris, or hydraulic fluid residue. Use lint-free cloths or brushes for cleaning.
- Replace Seals and Worn Parts: If any seals or other components show signs of wear or damage, replace them with genuine manufacturer-approved parts. Ensure that the replacement parts match the specifications of the original features.
- Reassembly or Further Maintenance: If you are conducting maintenance or repairs on specific cylinder components, follow the appropriate procedures. Otherwise, reverse the disassembly steps if you need to reassemble the cylinder, ensuring all members are properly aligned and tightened according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Fähigkeit und Kapazität der Fabrik:
(1) Montage
We have a first-class independent research and development assembly platform. The hydraulic cylinder production workshop has four semi-automatic lifting cylinder assembly lines and one automatic tilt cylinder assembly line, with a designed annual production capacity of 1 million pieces. The special cylinder workshop is equipped with various specifications of a semi-automatic cleaning assembly system with a designed annual production capacity of 200,000 and equipped with famous CNC machining equipment, a machining center, a high-precision cylinder processing special equipment, a robot welding machine, an automatic cleaning machine, automatic cylinder assembly machine, and automatic painting production line. Existing critical equipment of more than 300 sets (sets). The optimal allocation and efficient use of equipment resources ensure the accuracy requirements of products and meet the high-quality needs of products.
(2) Bearbeitungen
Die Bearbeitungswerkstatt ist mit einem maßgeschneiderten Schrägschienen-Drehzentrum, einem Bearbeitungszentrum, einer Hochgeschwindigkeits-Honmaschine, einem Schweißroboter und anderen zugehörigen Geräten ausgestattet, die die Bearbeitung von Zylinderrohren mit einem maximalen Innendurchmesser von 400 mm und einer maximalen Länge von 6 Metern ermöglichen.
(3) Schweißen
(4) Malerei und Beschichtung
Mit kleinen und mittleren Zylinder automatische Lackieranlagen auf Wasserbasis, zu erreichen automatische Roboter Be-und Entladen und automatische Spritzen, die Design-Kapazität von 4000 Stück pro Schicht;
Wir verfügen auch über eine halbautomatische Lackieranlage für große Zylinder, die von einer Energiekette angetrieben wird und eine Kapazität von 60 Kisten pro Schicht hat.
(5) Prüfung
Wir verfügen über erstklassige Prüfeinrichtungen und Prüfstände, um sicherzustellen, dass die Leistung des Zylinders den Anforderungen entspricht.
Wir sind einer der besten Hersteller von Hydraulikzylindern mit leichten Stangen. Wir können eine breite Palette von leichten Stangenhydraulikzylindern anbieten. Wir bieten auch entsprechende landwirtschaftliche Getriebe. Wir haben unsere Produkte an Kunden in der ganzen Welt exportiert und uns aufgrund unserer hervorragenden Produktqualität und unseres Kundendienstes einen guten Ruf erworben. Wir heißen Kunden im In- und Ausland herzlich willkommen, uns zu kontaktieren, um Geschäfte zu verhandeln, Informationen auszutauschen und mit uns zusammenarbeiten!
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