Press Tilt Cylinder
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Press Tilt Cylinder
The press tilt cylinder is a cutting-edge product that provides versatile and precise tilt control in various industrial applications. With its advanced features and robust construction, this cylinder offers reliable tilting capabilities, enabling efficient and accurate positioning of workpieces or equipment.
The press tilt cylinder is a valuable tool for achieving versatile and precise tilt control in industrial applications. With its adjustable tilt range, robust construction, and smooth movement capabilities, this cylinder empowers you to optimize the positioning and alignment of workpieces or equipment. By following the recommended usage methods and maintenance practices, you can maximize the performance, longevity, and safety of the press tilt cylinder in your industrial setup. Choose this cylinder to enhance industrial operations’ productivity, flexibility, and precision.
Press Tilt Cylinder Key Characteristics:
- Adjustable Tilt Range:
- The press tilt cylinder allows for a wide range of tilt angles, providing flexibility and adaptability to different workpiece or equipment positioning requirements.
- This cylinder’s adjustable tilt range enables precise control over the tilt angle, ensuring optimal alignment and desired outcomes.
- Vastupidav konstruktsioon:
- This cylinder is built with durable materials, ensuring its ability to withstand heavy loads and harsh operating conditions.
- The sturdy construction of the press tilt cylinder guarantees longevity and reliability, making it suitable for demanding industrial environments.
- Smooth and Precise Movement:
- The cylinder features a precision-engineered hydraulic system that ensures smooth and controlled tilt movement.
- The press tilt cylinder’s precise movement capabilities enable accurate positioning and eliminate jerky or abrupt motions that could compromise workpiece integrity.
- Compact Design:
- The press tilt cylinder is designed to be compact and space-efficient while maintaining high performance.
- Its compact design allows easy integration into existing industrial systems, saving valuable floor space and streamlining operations.
Press Tilt Cylinder Parameter:
Product Name | Hydraulic Press Tilt Cylinder |
Features: | Realize the lifting of the clamp head of the manipulator |
Bore diameter: | 100mm~400mm |
Rod diameter: | 50mm~300mm Stroke≤1500mm |
Thrust force: | Maximum 3141KN (Cylinder diameter 400mm/pressure25MPa) |
Hydraulic Press Tilt Cylinder Applications: | Hydraulic Press |
Rod diameter: 50mm~300mm
(Cylinder diameter 400mm/pressure25MPa)
Press Cylinder Factory:
Usage Method Of Press Tilt Cylinder:
- Mounting and Connection:
- Identify the appropriate mounting points on the equipment or work surface where the press tilt cylinder will be installed.
- Securely attach the cylinder using the provided mounting brackets or hardware, ensuring proper alignment and stability.
- Connect the hydraulic lines according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, ensuring correct fluid flow and avoiding leaks.
- Adjusting the Tilt Angle:
- Activate the hydraulic system and control mechanism to adjust the tilt angle of the press tilt cylinder.
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to achieve the desired tilt angle, taking into account the specific requirements of your application.
- Utilize integrated controls or external control systems to fine-tune the tilt angle for precise positioning.
- Locking and Securing:
- Once the desired tilt angle is achieved, engage the locking mechanism to secure the press tilt cylinder.
- The locking mechanism ensures stability and prevents unintended movement or changes in the tilt angle during operation.
How To Measure A Hydraulic Cylinder?
Measuring a hydraulic cylinder accurately is essential for various purposes, such as replacement, repair, or ordering a new cylinder. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to measure a hydraulic cylinder:
- Determine the Type of Cylinder:
Identify the type of hydraulic cylinder you are measuring. Common types include single-acting, double-acting, telescopic, and welded cylinders. Each type may have specific measurement considerations. - Measure the Bore Diameter:
The bore diameter refers to the internal diameter of the cylinder barrel. Follow these steps to measure it:- Ensure the cylinder is fully retracted.
- Measure the inside diameter of the cylinder barrel using a caliper or micrometer. Place the measuring tool on opposite sides of the barrel and record the measurement.
- Measure the Rod Diameter:
The rod diameter refers to the diameter of the piston rod. To measure it:- Extend the cylinder completely.
- Measure the diameter of the rod using a caliper or micrometer. Take the measurement at the exposed end of the rod.
- Determine the Stroke Length:
The stroke length is the distance the piston rod can travel within the cylinder. To determine the stroke length:- Fully extend the cylinder.
- Measure the distance from the fully retracted position to the fully extended part of the piston rod. This measurement represents the stroke length.
- Note the Closed Length:
The closed length is the overall length of the cylinder when fully retracted. To measure it:- Ensure the cylinder is in the fully retracted position.
- Measure the distance between the mounting points or end connections of the cylinder.
- Identify Mounting Styles and Dimensions:
Take note of the mounting styles and dimensions of the cylinder. This includes the type of mounts (e.g., flange, clevis, trunnion), the distance between mounting holes, and the hole diameter. Measure the appropriate dimensions accurately using a measuring tape or caliper. - Consider Additional Specifications:
Depending on your requirements, you may need to measure additional specifications such as the overall length when fully extended, the working pressure, and the type of seals used.
Tehase võimekus ja suutlikkus:
(1) Kokkupanek
Meil on esmaklassiline sõltumatu teadus- ja arendustegevuse montaažiplatvorm. Hüdrosilindrite tootmistöökojas on neli poolautomaatset tõstesilindrite koosteliini ja üks automaatne kallutussilindrite koosteliin, mille kavandatud aastane tootmisvõimsus on 1 miljon tükki. Spetsiaalsete silindrite töökoda on varustatud erinevate spetsifikatsioonidega poolautomaatse puhastusmontaažisüsteemiga, mille kavandatud aastane tootmisvõimsus on 200 000 ja mis on varustatud kuulsate CNC-töötlemisseadmete, mehaanilise töötlemise keskuse, suure täpsusega silindrite töötlemise eriseadmete, robotkeevitusmasina, automaatse puhastusmasina, automaatse silindri kokkupanemise masina ja automaatse värvimise tootmisliiniga. Olemasolevad kriitilised seadmed rohkem kui 300 komplekti (komplekti). Seadmete ressursside optimaalne jaotamine ja tõhus kasutamine tagavad toodete täpsusnõuded ja vastavad toodete kvaliteedinõuetele.
(2) Töötlemine
Töödeldav töökoda on varustatud kohandatud kallutatud rööpse treipingi keskuse, mehaanilise keskuse, kiire lihvimismasina, keevitusroboti ja muude seotud seadmetega, mis suudavad töödelda silindritorusid, mille maksimaalne siseläbimõõt on 400 mm ja maksimaalne pikkus on 6 meetrit.
(3) Keevitamine
(4) Värvimine ja katmine
Väikese ja keskmise suurusega silindri automaatse veepõhise värvipinnakattega liinide abil, et saavutada automaatne robotlaadimine ja mahalaadimine ning automaatne pihustamine, projekteerimisvõimsus 4000 tükki vahetuse kohta;
Meil on ka poolautomaatne suurte balloonide värvimise tootmisliin, mis töötab jõukettaga ja mille projekteerimisvõimsus on 60 kasti ühe vahetuse kohta.
(5) Testimine
Meil on esmaklassilised kontrolliseadmed ja katsestendid, et tagada silindri jõudlus vastavus nõuetele.
We are one of the best hydraulic cylinder manufacturers. We can offer comprehensive hydraulic cylinders. We also provide corresponding põllumajanduslikud käigukastid. Oleme eksportinud oma tooteid klientidele üle maailma ja teeninud hea maine tänu meie suurepärasele tootekvaliteedile ja müügijärgsele teenindusele. Me tervitame kliente kodus ja välismaal, et võtta meiega ühendust, et pidada läbirääkimisi äri, vahetada teavet ja teha meiega koostööd!
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