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Press Leveling Cylinder

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Press Leveling Cylinder

The press leveling cylinder is a state-of-the-art product with exceptional precision and stability in various industrial applications. With its advanced features and robust construction, this cylinder offers reliable leveling capabilities, ensuring optimal machining, assembly, and alignment performance.

The press leveling cylinder is an indispensable tool for achieving precision and stability in industrial applications. With its accurate leveling capabilities, robust construction, and height adjustability, this cylinder empowers you to optimize the alignment and positioning of workpieces or machinery. By following the recommended usage methods and maintenance practices, you can maximize the performance, longevity, and safety of the Press Leveling Cylinder in your industrial setup. Choose this cylinder to enhance your industrial operations’ accuracy, efficiency, and quality.

Press Leveling Cylinder Key Characteristics:

  1. Accurate Leveling:
  • The press leveling cylinder is engineered to deliver precise leveling capabilities, allowing you to align and position workpieces or machinery accurately.
  • With its delicate adjustment mechanism and high load-bearing capacity, this cylinder ensures stable and level surfaces, minimizing errors and enhancing quality.
  1. Robust Construction:
  • This cylinder is built with durable materials, ensuring its ability to withstand heavy loads and harsh operating conditions.
  • The sturdy construction of the press leveling cylinder guarantees longevity and reliability, making it suitable for demanding industrial environments.
  1. Height Adjustability:
  • The cylinder offers convenient height adjustability, enabling you to fine-tune the level of your workpiece or machinery.
  • With its easy-to-use height adjustment mechanism, you can achieve precise leveling, accommodating surface conditions or equipment requirements variations.
  1. Quick and Easy Installation:
  • The press leveling cylinder is designed for seamless installation, allowing for a hassle-free setup process.
  • Its user-friendly installation features minimize downtime and ensure a swift integration into your existing industrial systems.

Press Leveling Cylinder Parameter:

Product NameHydraulic Press Leveling Cylinder
Features:Parallel lifting of blanks or workpieces
Bore diameter: 90mm~380mm
Rod diameter:50mm~280mm
Thrust force:Maximum 2835KN
(Cylinder diameter 380mm/pressure25MPa)
Hydraulic Press Leveling Cylinder Applications:Hydraulic Press
Parallel lifting of blanks or workpieces
Bore diameter: 90mm~380mm
Rod diameter: 50mm~280mm
Thrust force:
Maximum 2835KN
(Cylinder diameter 380mm/pressure25MPa)

Press Cylinder Factory:

Usage Method Of Press Leveling Cylinder:

  1. Preparing for Installation:
  • Before installing the press leveling cylinder, ensure the work surface or machinery is clean and free from debris or obstructions.
  • Identify the appropriate mounting points and position the cylinder accordingly.
  1. Mounting the Cylinder:
  • Securely attach the cylinder to the designated mounting points using the provided mounting brackets or hardware.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines to ensure proper alignment and stability.
  1. Adjusting the Level:
  • Activate the height adjustment mechanism on the press leveling cylinder per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Gradually adjust the cylinder to achieve the desired level, considering your application’s specific requirements.
  1. Locking the Level:
  • Once the desired level is achieved, engage the locking mechanism to secure the cylinder.
  • The locking mechanism ensures stability and prevents unintended movement or adjustments.

How To Check If Hydraulic Cylinder Is Leaking Internally?

Checking for internal leaks in a hydraulic cylinder is an essential maintenance task to ensure optimal performance and prevent potential damage. Here are the steps to check if a hydraulic cylinder is leaking internally:
  1. Safety Precautions: Before starting any inspection, follow proper safety procedures. Turn off the hydraulic power source, relieve system pressure, and ensure the cylinder is fully retracted.
  2. Visual Inspection: Begin by visually inspecting the exterior of the hydraulic cylinder for any signs of oil leaks. Look for oil stains, wet spots, or accumulated oil around the cylinder body, rod, or seals. External leaks can be an indication of internal leaks.
  3. Extend the Cylinder: Extend the hydraulic cylinder completely. This will expose the rod and allow you to observe any oil leakage from the rod seal area.
  4. Wipe and Observe: Use a clean cloth to wipe the entire length of the rod. Inspect the cloth for any signs of oil residue. If you notice a significant amount of oil on the fabric, it may indicate an internal leak.
  5. Check Rod Movement: Slowly retract the cylinder while observing the rod movement. Pay attention to any jerky or uneven movement, which could indicate internal leakage or damaged seals.
  6. Cylinder Drift Test: With the cylinder fully retracted and the hydraulic system turned off, monitor the cylinder for any unexpected movement. If the cylinder begins to extend or drift slowly outward, it may suggest internal leakage.
  7. Pressure Testing: A pressure test can be performed if internal leakage is suspected but not visually evident. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or a hydraulic specialist to conduct a pressure test safely. This involves pressurizing the cylinder and monitoring pressure loss over a specific period. A significant pressure drop may indicate internal leakage.
  8. Oil Analysis: If internal leakage is suspected but not confirmed through visual inspection or other methods, consider performing an oil analysis. Collect a sample of hydraulic fluid from the system and have it analyzed by a laboratory. The study can identify contaminants or abnormal levels of wear particles, which can indicate internal leakage or other issues.

Kemampuan & Kapasitas Pabrik:

(1) Perakitan

Kami memiliki platform perakitan penelitian dan pengembangan independen kelas satu. Bengkel produksi silinder hidrolik memiliki empat jalur perakitan silinder pengangkat semi-otomatis dan satu jalur perakitan silinder kemiringan otomatis, dengan kapasitas produksi tahunan yang dirancang sebesar 1 juta keping. Bengkel silinder khusus dilengkapi dengan berbagai spesifikasi sistem perakitan pembersihan semi-otomatis dengan kapasitas produksi tahunan yang dirancang sebesar 200.000 dan dilengkapi dengan peralatan permesinan CNC yang terkenal, pusat permesinan, peralatan khusus pemrosesan silinder presisi tinggi, mesin las robot, mesin pembersih otomatis, mesin perakitan silinder otomatis, dan jalur produksi pengecatan otomatis. Peralatan penting yang ada lebih dari 300 set (set). Alokasi optimal dan penggunaan sumber daya peralatan yang efisien memastikan persyaratan akurasi produk dan memenuhi kebutuhan produk berkualitas tinggi.

(2) Pemesinan

Bengkel permesinan dilengkapi dengan pusat pembubutan rel miring yang disesuaikan, pusat permesinan, mesin pengasah berkecepatan tinggi, robot pengelasan, dan peralatan terkait lainnya, yang dapat menangani pemrosesan tabung silinder dengan diameter bagian dalam maksimum 400mm dan panjang maksimum 6 meter.

(3) Pengelasan

(4) Pengecatan & pelapisan

Dengan jalur pelapisan cat berbasis air otomatis silinder kecil dan menengah, untuk mencapai bongkar muat robot otomatis dan penyemprotan otomatis, kapasitas desain 4000 buah per shift;
Kami juga memiliki lini produksi cat semi-otomatis untuk silinder besar yang ditenagai oleh rantai daya, dengan kapasitas desain 60 kasus per shift.

(5) Pengujian

Kami memiliki fasilitas inspeksi kelas satu dan test bed untuk memastikan bahwa kinerja silinder memenuhi persyaratan.



We are one of the best hydraulic cylinder manufacturers. We can offer comprehensive hydraulic cylinders. We also provide corresponding gearbox pertanian. Kami telah mengekspor produk kami ke klien di seluruh dunia dan mendapatkan reputasi yang baik karena kualitas produk dan layanan purna jual kami yang unggul. Kami menyambut pelanggan di dalam dan luar negeri untuk menghubungi kami untuk menegosiasikan bisnis, bertukar informasi, dan bekerja sama dengan kami!

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