






The rear cover trunnion four rod hydraulic cylinder is a cutting-edge component designed to provide exceptional power, precise control, and unmatched performance in various industrial applications. With its innovative rear cover trunnion design and four rod configuration, this four rod hydraulic cylinder offers enhanced stability, durability, and load-bearing capacity, making it an indispensable asset in demanding hydraulic systems.

Essential Characteristics Of Four Rod Hydraulic Cylinder:

Rear Cover Trunnion Design:

    • The rear cover trunnion design provides a safe and efficient installation solution that ensures reliable operation even under heavy loads and extreme conditions.
    • It simplifies installation and can be easily integrated into various hydraulic systems or equipment.

Four Rod Configuration:

    • The four rod configuration enhances the bearing capacity of the four rod hydraulic cylinder and ensures optimal stability and precise positioning.
    • It enables the four rod hydraulic cylinder to withstand side loads effectively, providing exceptional resistance to torsion and side forces.

High Power Output:

    • This four rod hydraulic cylinder has an impressive power output, allowing it to handle heavy loads easily.
    • It provides superior power and thrust, making it suitable for applications that require a lot of strength and lifting capacity.

Precise Control:

    • The rear cover trunnion four rod hydraulic cylinder provides precise linear motion control to ensure accurate positioning and smooth operation.
    • It provides excellent stroke control, enabling operators to achieve the speed and precision required for specific tasks.

Rear Cover Trunnion Four Rod Hydraulic Cylinder Parameter:

后盖耳轴式四连杆液压缸 Usage Method:

Mounting and Installation:

    • Consider load requirements and space constraints to determine the appropriate installation location of the hydraulic cylinder within the system or equipment.
    • Make sure the mounting surface is clean, level, and able to support the weight of the cylinder.
    • Place the rear cover trunnions flush with the mounting face and secure them using recommended bolts or fasteners.

Hydraulic Connections:

    • Connect the four rod hydraulic cylinder supply line to the cylinder port to ensure proper sealing to prevent leakage.
    • Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the type of hydraulic oil and fill the system to the recommended level.


    • Activate the hydraulic system and control the movement of the cylinder using a hydraulic control valve or other suitable control mechanism.
    • Adjust flow and pressure Settings to achieve the desired speed and force output.
    • Regularly monitor cylinder operation for any signs of abnormal behavior, such as leaks, overheating, or unusual noise.

Maintenance Of Rear Cover Trunnion Four Rod Hydraulic Cylinder:

  1. 定期检查:
    • Perform routine visual inspections to check for signs of wear, leaks, or damage.
    • Inspect the rod surface, seals, and mounting connections for any abnormalities and address any issues promptly.
  2. 润滑:
    • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for lubrication intervals and use a recommended lubricant to ensure smooth operation.
    • Apply lubrication to the rod, seals, and other moving parts to minimize friction and extend the cylinder’s lifespan.
  3. 更换密封件:
    • Over time, seals may wear out and require replacement. If leakage is detected, carefully remove the old seals and install new ones according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

How Do You Rebuild A Hydraulic Cylinder?

Rebuilding a hydraulic cylinder involves disassembling the cylinder, inspecting its components, replacing worn or damaged parts, and reassembling it to restore its functionality. Here’s a general step-by-step guide on how to rebuild a hydraulic cylinder:

  1. Gather the Necessary Tools and Equipment:
    • Before starting the rebuild process, gather the required tools, such as wrenches, pliers, a rubber mallet, a cylinder hone, new seals and O-rings, a seal installation tool, and a hydraulic cylinder repair kit.
  2. Safety Precautions:
    • Ensure the hydraulic system is depressurized and the cylinder is disconnected from any power source.
    • Use appropriate protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and safety glasses, to protect yourself during the rebuild.
  3. Cylinder Disassembly:
    • Remove the hydraulic cylinder from the equipment or system.
    • Carefully disassemble the cylinder, starting with removing end caps or retaining rings.
    • Release the pressure within the cylinder by retracting the rod fully.
    • Take note of the sequence of the removed components for accurate reassembly.
  4. Component Inspection:
    • Inspect all cylinder components, including the rod, piston, seals, and bearings, for signs of wear, damage, or corrosion.
    • Measure the dimensions of critical components, such as the rod and bore diameter, to ensure they are within specifications.
    • Pay close attention to the condition of seals and O-rings, as they are familiar sources of hydraulic cylinder issues.
  5. Replacement of Worn or Damaged Parts:
    • Replace any seals, O-rings, or other damaged components identified during the inspection.
    • Ensure the replacement parts are compatible with the cylinder model and meet the required specifications.
    • Lubricate the new seals or O-rings with hydraulic oil before installation.
  6. Cylinder Reassembly:
    • Clean all disassembled components thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris.
    • Apply a thin film of hydraulic oil to the components during reassembly to provide lubrication.
    • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions or repair manual to ensure correct fastener reassembly and torque specifications.
  7. Testing and Installation:
    • Once the cylinder is reassembled, test its functionality by applying hydraulic pressure.
    • Check for leaks, abnormal noises, or erratic movements during testing.
    • If the cylinder operates smoothly without issues, it can be reinstalled into the equipment or system.


(1) 装配

我们拥有一流的自主研发装配平台。液压油缸生产车间拥有 4 条半自动提升油缸装配线和 1 条全自动倾斜油缸装配线,设计年生产能力 100 万支。特种油缸车间配备了各种规格的半自动清洗装配系统,设计年生产能力 20 万只,并配备了知名数控加工设备、加工中心、高精度油缸加工专用设备、机器人焊接机、自动清洗机、油缸自动装配机、自动喷漆生产线等。现有关键设备 300 多台(套)。设备资源的优化配置和高效利用,保证了产品的精度要求,满足了产品的高质量需求。

(2) 机加工

加工车间配备了定制的斜轨车削中心、加工中心、高速珩磨机、焊接机器人及其他相关设备,可加工最大内径 400 毫米、最大长度 6 米的气缸管。

(3) 焊接

(4) 油漆和涂料

配备中小型圆筒自动水性漆喷涂线,实现机器人自动上下料和自动喷涂,设计产能为每班 4000 件;
我们还拥有一条由动力链驱动的大型油缸半自动喷漆生产线,设计产能为每班 60 箱。

(5) 测试




We are one of the best light four rod hydraulic cylinder manufacturers. We can offer comprehensive light four rod hydraulic cylinder stock. We also provide corresponding 农用齿轮箱.我们的产品已出口到世界各地,并凭借卓越的产品质量和售后服务赢得了良好的声誉。我们热忱欢迎海内外客户与我们联系,洽谈业务,交流信息,共谋发展。 与我们合作!

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